People generally ponder the idea of peace more often during the holiday season. Whatever holiday someone celebrates or whether he or she does not observe any at all – the thought of peace filters through the air.
Yet, most people feel peace is impossible. They see the tragedies and the negativity on Earth and they can’t see how to transform it. The answer is within the grasp of each person.
Human Revolution
“A great human revolution in just a single person will help change the destiny of a nation and all humankind,” according to Buddhist scholar Daisaku Ikeda.
You can see examples of how just one person’s evolution to a higher energy, a higher life condition has changed the world. Contemporary examples include Dr. Martin L King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa. Each single individual made a monumental difference in the fate of his or her nation and humankind.
“But wait,” you say, “I’m no MLK or Gandhi-like person. I can’t do what they did.”
People don’t have to repeat what those heroes of humanity did to change the course of the world. Elevating your life condition (energy) into the highest state possible allows you to make wise and positive choices in everything you do. That is the life condition of enlightenment. Put another way: fill your life with wisdom, courage and compassion. That is what changes the world.

The Universe Inside
Every person inherently has all the power of the universe inside. Whether called Love, Light, Spirit, Source, Mystic Law, God or positive energy, it is there to access and use.
Living in the most positive way is how to change the world. Even a single act of kindness ripples through the universe with
great positive effect.
Cause and effect or reaping what you sow is a natural law of the universe.
So, when someone asks for directions, take the time to stop and help.
When a crazy driver cuts you off on the highway, keep your life condition high and refrain from making the situation worse or more dangerous.
When the boss acts out in anger and disrespect, use his or her negative attitude as motivation to shine even brighter or look for a new job where you can shine.
And when a loved one causes pain, find a way make it positive. Start by being good to yourself and then sharing love with others.
As we hurry though these holidays,
realize everyone can make a difference.
As Marvin Gaye sang,
“Only love can conquer hate.”
World peace through individual happiness.
Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me – and you.